2020-10-05 15:52:21
The edge of a pair of overalls

What was your original purpose in learning English?
I want to learn skills.

What difficulties have you met during your studies from Level 0 to Level 5?

When I was studying in Level 3 and level 4, the grammar tests arranged by the VIP department showed that I was not good at practical application of grammar. The VIP department arranged tutorials for me to help me with grammar problems in the test. After the teacher’s explanation, I can use grammar correctly in real life oral expressions, and the ability to learn grammar has improved. Now I am studying at level 5. Occasionally, when I encounter some grammar problems that I do not understand, I will ask the foreign teacher after class or check relevant grammar reference books.

I lack topics when I communicate with others, when the VIP department arranges me to communicate with foreign volunteers, they will provide me with English topics prepared, so that I can have good communication with volunteers in English smoothly.

What did you get the most from your studies in Omeida?

My biggest gains are friendship and a different way of thinking. During my studies in Omeida, I met many Chinese and foreign friends. During the process of getting along with them, I realized that their way of thinking is different. When we talk about something that has happened around us, their opinions always make me feel enlightened.

Friends in Omeida who you mentioned just now, Lily, the foreign teacher, is one of your best friends. How did you get to know each other?
The Student Department will organize a Social Night every Thursday in both Chinese and Foreign students exchange activities, Lily wore the same overalls as me. The moment we saw each other, it felt as if I found a good friend many years ago. I felt particularly sweet, when I found her father is from my town. It’s our fate. Since then, we have been helping each other to study, and we even went back to our hometown together, which made Lily feel the warmth. At that period, my oral English improved a lot. Using English to express myself in daily life is a very important way to learn English.
每周四学校都会组织一次Social Night中外学员的交流活动,有一次 Lily和我都穿了一样的背带裤,我们看见对方的那一瞬间,好像是找到了多年前的好朋友,感觉分外亲切。当我发现她父亲和我是老乡,我感到特别的兴奋,这是冥冥之中我和她的缘分。从那之后我们就一起互相帮助学习,我们还一起回去了一趟家乡,让Lily感受到了家乡的温暖。那段时间我的口语表达能力提高了很多,在生活中多使用英语表达自己,是学习英语很重要的一个方式。
Do you have any advice for beginners when they come to Omeida?

The best way to learn English is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it.
2020-10-05 15:52:21